How to Write a Letter of Support For an Individual Writing a letter of support for an individual can be a little tricky. Here are five tips to writing a letter of support for an individual. Tip Number One Always introduce yourself. Letters of this purpose are worth very little…

LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALHow to Write a Letter of Support For an Individual

Writing a letter of support for an individual can be a little tricky. Here are five tips to writing a letter of support for an individual.

Tip Number One
Always introduce yourself. Letters of this purpose are worth very little if you do not introduce yourself and your intent with the letter. Knowing who you are will help the reader make a more informed decision to aid in support for an individual. This is especially important when you are a well-known public figure or a person of authority. Not specifying name and intent will make your letter useless even if you have many great points about the individual listed in your letter.

Tip Number Two
Identify the individual and the project that you are writing to support. This may go without saying, but if you are supporting an individual you should be able to let your reader know that you actually know the person you are supporting. You should be able to convince your audience that you know the intent of their project and you know what good it can do for the community, organization, science, etc.

Tip Number Three
Remember to be polite, formal, and factual. You do not want your request to be denied or looked at poorly because you were too casual or rude in your letter. Avoid such statements as “I feel” and go straight to the facts. While you want your reader to know that you fully support the individual you are writing for, you do not want to seem biased based on an emotional connection.

Tip Number Four
Give your letter structure. As a formal letter supporting an individual you need to include a standard 3 to 5 paragraphs. You should introduce yourself and your intent in the first paragraph. State that you are supporting the individual in your letter and why. The last paragraph should be a conclusion paragraph. You should thank the reader for reading your letter and for carefully considering all of the points listed in the letter. Each paragraph in the middle should outline a specific point. Pick up to three of your most important arguments and sell them!

Tip Number Five
Lastly, you should print the letter on institutional letterhead and get it signed by the appropriate party. This will only seal the deal and make you look especially professional and important. Having someone of power to back you will only help in supporting the individual you have requested support for.

Remember that the 5 tips that have been listed above will only get you started. Writing a letter for support for an individual can be difficult based on who they are and what they are proposing to do. If this truly is an individual that you fully support be honest and open about yourself, the individual you are requesting support for, and the project that they are leading. Being open and honest will be very powerful to those reading!