Tips for Writing a Letter of Request for Financial Assistance Asking for financial assistance can be a difficult thing to do. Whether you are asking for financial assistance for yourself or on behalf of a charity, consider these tips for writing an effective letter of request. 1. Identify your audience.…

LETTER OF REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCETips for Writing a Letter of Request for Financial Assistance

Asking for financial assistance can be a difficult thing to do. Whether you are asking for financial assistance for yourself or on behalf of a charity, consider these tips for writing an effective letter of request.

1. Identify your audience. Before you write anything, you need to consider who the audience or recipient of your letter will be. If you are asking family or friends for assistance, make sure that your letter does not take advantage of your relationships. You do not want to “guilt” your family or friends into giving you financial assistance. Instead, you want to let them know that their assistance is appreciated, but not required. If you are asking for financial assistance from an organization or business, be sure to let them know if any of their donations are tax deductible.

2. Identify the purpose of the financial assistance. Clearly state in your letter how the money will be used. When you ask for financial assistance, it is important that the person who is donating know how the money will be used, so that he or she can make a wise decision about how much he or she is willing to give. If the financial assistance is for yourself, you may also want to briefly explain why you need the assistance and appeal to their emotions. If you asking for financial assistance on behalf of a charity, give the reader some background on the charity and what the charity has done for the community.

3. Identify how much financial assistance is needed. Let the reader know if the assistance is for a one time event or for an on-going project. If there is a goal that you are trying to reach, let the reader know what that goal is. Do not obligate the reader to give the whole amount. Let the reader know that any financial assistance will be appreciated.

4. Identify methods of payment. Be clear about how the reader is to provide the financial assistance. Let the reader know if the assistance needs to be directed to you or to another party. If you can accepts checks, be sure to let the reader know who to write the check to. Provide your contact information, so that the reader will know how to reach you to make arrangements for any payment. Include your phone number, address, and the best way to reach you. The reader may have questions about the donation, so you want him or her to be able to contact you to get answers.

5. Identify a time frame. Be sure that your letter lets the reader know when the financial assistance is needed. If there is a firm deadline, let the reader know. You may want to give the reader a deadline that is ahead of the real deadline to ensure that you get the assistance in time.

Using these tips, you should be able to write an effective letter to request financial assistance. Remember to thank those who provide you with assistance, and send a prompt note to express your gratitude for their assistance.