You may like your bank but sometimes the service that you receive needs some improvement. When there are services your bank could do better you need to let them know by following the tips, and looking at the sample article down below. 1} Start off by complimenting the bank, but…

LETTER OF COMPLAINT TO BANKYou may like your bank but sometimes the service that you receive needs some improvement.

When there are services your bank could do better you need to let them know by following the tips, and looking at the sample article down below.

1} Start off by complimenting the bank, but then stating the problem
I want to thank you for many years of excellent service, however, as of lately your service has gone downhill. I have issues with a debit card I have not received.

2) Let them know you expect a certain standard.
I have learned to expect a certain standard from this bank. I was notified by your bank that I would be getting a bank debit card within the next week. However, I find it a departure form your excellent service that I have not received this card yet, 14 days after the fact, despite numerous phone calls about this matter.

3) Point out specifically how they are falling short
I need to receive this card, as I need ready and easy access to my account. I need to make sure I have this option when i need it. It is just one of the things that I need. this is is just one of the options that are necessary. I was told by the customer service official that the application for my debit card had not been received. This is one of the things that I was dismayed to find out. I have been very pleased with the service given by the bank overall over a number of years, however, this debit card issue, while being an anamoly of your service. is not acceptable.The ordering process for the debit card presumably began again, but as of yet, I still have not received the card 15 days later.

4) Point out this is not their typical bank practice
This is not the typical practice of your bank, normally your customer service is excellent. I would like to continue my banking relationship with you at XYZ bank. Normally, when you tell me something at XYZ bank I can depend on the outcome. This is why I am disappointed and frustrated with this situation, and I wish to have it rectified as soon as possible.

5) Remind them you would like to continue a banking relationship, and what exactly you want them to do.
I would like to continue our banking relationship however the service I have received is making this difficult to consider. Please call about this debit card today and resolve this matter with the issuing authorities so I can continue our banking relationship and I can look forward to years of continuing our banking relationship. Sign the letter sincerely, with your name.